【网络攻防大作业】Magic Padding Oracle实验报告

Eutopia's Blog

Posted by Eutopia on January 1, 2024

Padding Oracle实验报告

1. Overview

Padding Oracle:一些系统在解密密文时,会先验证其填充是否合法,如果不合法则会抛出异常。针对此行为的攻击即为padding oracle攻击

2. Lab Environment

  • Seed虚拟机
  • Labsetup.zip


3. Task1:Getting Familiar with Padding


使用echo -n创建文件P,长度为5。-n参数表示结尾不带换行符

echo -n "12345" > P


# 加密
openssl enc -aes-128-cbc -e -in P -out C

# 解密
openssl enc -aes-128-cbc -d -nopad -in C -out P_new

结果如下,可以看出P_new文件内容末尾出现'\x0a',文件长度变为16。表明加密过程进行了padding '\x0a'字符到16位的操作。


分别尝试文件长度为10, 16的文件,结果如下,可以得出padding规律(要填充的位数作为填充字符)


4. Task2:Padding Oracle Attack(level 1)



01020304050607080102030405060708	# IV
a9b2554b0944118061212098f2f238cd779ea0aae3d9d020f3677bfcb3cda9ce # ciphertext


server端对密文解密过程如下,为CBC模式。padding oracle攻击的原理为假设未知Plaintext P2的填充位为0x01,那么可以通过构造C1来与D2异或使解密的P2填充位为0x01,此时server端会返回Valid信息,可以解出未知的D2.当D2完全解出时,即可使用正确C1与D2异或获取明文。



import socket
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify

# XOR two bytearrays
def xor(first, second):
   return bytearray(x^y for x,y in zip(first, second))

class PaddingOracle:

    def __init__(self, host, port) -> None:
        self.s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        self.s.connect((host, port))

        ciphertext = self.s.recv(4096).decode().strip()
        self.ctext = unhexlify(ciphertext)

    def decrypt(self, ctext: bytes) -> None:
        return self._recv()

    def _recv(self):
        resp = self.s.recv(4096).decode().strip()
        return resp 

    def _send(self, hexstr: bytes):
        self.s.send(hexstr + b'\n')

    def __del__(self):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    oracle = PaddingOracle('', 5000)

    # Get the IV + Ciphertext from the oracle
    iv_and_ctext = bytearray(oracle.ctext)
    IV    = iv_and_ctext[00:16]
    C1    = iv_and_ctext[16:32]  # 1st block of ciphertext
    C2    = iv_and_ctext[32:48]  # 2nd block of ciphertext
    print("C1:  " + C1.hex())
    print("C2:  " + C2.hex())

    # Here, we initialize D2 with C1, so when they are XOR-ed,
    # The result is 0. This is not required for the attack.
    # Its sole purpose is to make the printout look neat.
    # In the experiment, we will iteratively replace these values.
    D2 = bytearray(16)

    D2[0]  = C1[0]
    D2[1]  = C1[1]
    D2[2]  = C1[2]
    D2[3]  = C1[3]
    D2[4]  = C1[4]
    D2[5]  = C1[5]
    D2[6]  = C1[6]
    D2[7]  = C1[7]
    D2[8]  = C1[8]
    D2[9]  = C1[9]
    D2[10] = C1[10]
    D2[11] = C1[11]
    D2[12] = C1[12]
    D2[13] = C1[13]
    D2[14] = C1[14]
    D2[15] = C1[15]
    # In the experiment, we need to iteratively modify CC1
    # We will send this CC1 to the oracle, and see its response.
    CC1 = bytearray(16)

    CC1[0]  = 0x00
    CC1[1]  = 0x00
    CC1[2]  = 0x00
    CC1[3]  = 0x00
    CC1[4]  = 0x00
    CC1[5]  = 0x00
    CC1[6]  = 0x00
    CC1[7]  = 0x00
    CC1[8]  = 0x00
    CC1[9]  = 0x00
    CC1[10] = 0x00
    CC1[11] = 0x00
    CC1[12] = 0x00
    CC1[13] = 0x00
    CC1[14] = 0x00
    CC1[15] = 0x00

    # In each iteration, we focus on one byte of CC1.  
    # We will try all 256 possible values, and send the constructed
    # ciphertext CC1 + C2 (plus the IV) to the oracle, and see 
    # which value makes the padding valid. 
    # As long as our construction is correct, there will be 
    # one valid value. This value helps us get one byte of D2. 
    # Repeating the method for 16 times, we get all the 16 bytes of D2.

    K = 1
    for i in range(256):
          CC1[16 - K] = i
          status = oracle.decrypt(IV + CC1 + C2)
          if status == "Valid":
              print("Valid: i = 0x{:02x}".format(i))
              print("CC1: " + CC1.hex())

    # Once you get all the 16 bytes of D2, you can easily get P2
    P2 = xor(C1, D2)
    print("P2:  " + P2.hex())

运行后可得结果,可以看到成功解出C1末位为0xcf时,padding正确,所以可以得出D2末位为0xcf xor 0x01 = 0xce


然后修改C1末位为0xce xor 0x02尝试C1倒数第二位解出使padding为0x02的valid情况,得到D2后两位0x3b0xce




5. Task 3:Padding Oracle Attack(Level 2)



import socket
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify

# XOR two bytearrays
def xor(first, second):
   return bytearray(x^y for x,y in zip(first, second))

class PaddingOracle:

    def __init__(self, host, port) -> None:
        self.s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        self.s.connect((host, port))

        ciphertext = self.s.recv(4096).decode().strip()
        self.ctext = unhexlify(ciphertext)

    def decrypt(self, ctext: bytes) -> None:
        return self._recv()

    def _recv(self):
        resp = self.s.recv(4096).decode().strip()
        return resp 

    def _send(self, hexstr: bytes):
        self.s.send(hexstr + b'\n')

    def __del__(self):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    oracle = PaddingOracle('', 6000)

    # Get the IV + Ciphertext from the oracle
    iv_and_ctext = bytearray(oracle.ctext)
    # Num of ctext
    num = int(len(iv_and_ctext)/16 - 1)
    plain_text = ''
    for n in range(num):
        C = iv_and_ctext[(n)*16: (n+1)*16]
        if n == 0:
            print(f"IV:  " + C.hex())
            print(f"C{n}: " + C.hex())
        # initialize D, IV, P
        D = bytearray(16)
        CC = bytearray(16)
        P = bytearray(16)
        # Solve D
        for K in range(1, 17):
            for i in range(256):
                CC[16 - K] = i
                # initialize input
                tmp_input = iv_and_ctext[0:(n+2)*16]
                tmp_input[n*16:(n+1)*16] = CC
                status = oracle.decrypt(tmp_input)
                if status == "Valid":
                    print("Valid: i = 0x{:02x}".format(i))
                    print("D: "+ D.hex())
                    print("CC: " + CC.hex())
                    # Update D
                    D[16 - K] = i^K
                    # Update CC
                    for j in range(1, K+1):
                        CC[16 - j] = D[16 - j]^(K+1)
        # Once you get all the 16 bytes of D2, you can easily get P2
        P = xor(C, D)
        print("P:  " + P.hex())
        for j in range(16):
            plain_text += chr(P[j])
    print("Plaintext: " + plain_text) 
